Post the First

(well not actually the very first - that would be the Introduction, but you get the idea).

First thing to do is lay a little ground work and set a tone for all this. I find lots of different subjects interesting and probably just as many not interesting. Those I find interesting I tend to get quite deep into and feel I have a pretty good understanding of the underlying properties or nuances etc. Those I don't find interesting I don't give a crap about but I find, more and more, that the world is filled with things I have no interest in yet a vast number of people seem to think is "normal". I will try not to judge what I know nothing about unless it appears simple ludicrous - most advertising falls into that category.

Most of my knowledge and understanding comes from a lot of reading - books (yes those), online news and information sites, blogs by expert commentators or observers and forums etc where the information is probably mostly reliable but occasionally might be less so. I also had a decent education up to university level and several people I have met in more recent times from more academic backgrounds have commented on both my ability to absorb and process what I read and to also use that knowledge effectively in discussion. This is masked (I feel) by my less than lavish use of the English language and much like a favourite comedian, I will resort to the word "fuck" and its variants a little too easily.

So, the rantings on this blog will mostly be informal meta analysis's of information gleaned from many sources and then cogitated in my brain until I feel the need to regurgitate it out to an unsuspecting world. Usually this takes the form of a long and, sometimes rambling rant that WILL cost you a part of your life that you will never get back. However, if you have reached this point and are already going "what the hell is this crap" then I suggest you leave now - it will only get worse


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